Fancy being a speaker?

Posted on March 25, 2024 by Categories: PR Tags: , , , ,

As I mentioned in last week’s blog, I’m launching Scott Media Speakers this month, yet another way I can support the visibility of my clients.

There will be four tiers in Scott Media Speakers. 

Tier 1 – free

Tier 2 – up to £300

Tier 3 – up to £500

Tier 4 – £500 plus.

Clients don’t have to be involved, but if they do choose to join, I will choose the tier or tiers in which they will sit.

How will I choose where to place them?

It will be based on:

·      Their past speaking experience

·      Their performance (especially if I’ve seen them speak)

·      My knowledge of how well they can speak about their subject matter or subjects – can they talk with passion and authority?

As an outsider, I can get honest feedback about their performance, so that speakers can improve; know what worked well and what didn’t go so well.

If a client doesn’t agree with tier I’ve placed them in, they don’t need to get involved. Although for clients or members of my PR Academy, there will be no charge to belong, I will take a ten per cent fee when they are booked.

Value added for non-clients:

For anyone else who are not clients, or members of my academy, there will be a fee. The fee will be  very low cost £10 a month, or £100 for a year, plus VAT. They will be showcased in exactly the same way as clients.

However, if they are booked, I will take a 25 per cent cut.

I will vet who joins my speaker’s group, and also I will dictate the tier I think that person rates.

Most people seem to have one of these two opinions of themselves when it comes to speaking in public:

*We think we are not very good and under-rate ourselves, often failing to see that we’ve improved.


*We think we’re absolutely fantastic, when we’re not, and it can be hard to hear someone say we’re not as good as we think we are.

I’ve been listening to speakers for almost 40 years now, almost my whole career. I’ve given 100s of talks myself to small, medium and large audiences and I know that I can always improve and home my craft.

If I can critique myself in that way, then I’m only doing for others what I do for myself.

If you are wondering which tier I’ve put myself, I’m normally in tier 3 (up to £500), depending on the venue, who else is speaking and what other things I’m required to provide. If it’s a workshop, it’s not a speaking gig, so the price point will be different.

I plan to make the same judgments for my clients (with their permission), and it will be interesting to see how it all pans out.

So, more exciting PR ventures for Scott Media in 2024!

If this is something you’re interested in talking to me about, then please contact me on:

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