Tier Four

Speakers of £500 plus  

These speakers are very experienced and will often have done many large speaking gigs, some will even be professional speaker trainers. For a smaller event, or charitable event these speakers will generally be happy with a fee of between £500 to £1,000 plus reasonable expenses which, in this case, will always include a fee for travel time as set out in tier 1.  

*Please note however that if you have several speakers at your event, our speaker MUST be paid a fee in line with others on the stage. For example, if you are paying other speakers £5k each you need to pay the same for our speaker. If this is not honestly shared upfront and, after the event, we find that other speakers were paid more and that’s deemed by us to be unfair, you will be invoiced a further fee payable immediately to match that paid to other speakers on the day.  

All relevant expenses as set out in Tier One must be met as an additional fee. To book these speakers please email Fiona herself on   

Please note all pricing is exclusive of VAT. VAT will be added to all invoices for fees and expenses.

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