Posted on December 7, 2023 by Categories: Uncategorized

Christmas is an exceptionally busy time, so much so that you might find it difficult to know what to talk about in terms of blogs and social media. However, you still need to be getting noticed and keeping your business seen.

Also, remember to look out for news stories where you can comment, or ‘newsjack’

Ten ideas to write stories for your PR in December.

  1. One of the easiest things to write about is a Review of the Year.  Share all of the things that have happened, both good and bad, but focus more on the successes.  Have you won any awards this year in your business? Have any of your staff won awards, or gained professional qualifications? Have you moved into larger premises, taken on new staff? Have you had the best ever monetary success this year, despite what’s been going on in the country in terms of money shortages.

Share your Businesses story of the year.

  1. Did you actually start your business just before Christmas one year?  What was that like?  Was it a successful time to begin a business, or was it tougher? Is your business something that was a passion that you’ve turned into business? What were the pitfalls and the highs of starting at that time?

Alternatively, you could write about this being your 5th, 10th, or however many years, of celebrating Christmas and how things have changed over the years.

  1. Is Christmas special for your business, or is it just the end of the year? If you have a product that sells particularly well at this time, then it is most likely a busy and special time for you. Share how you all cope with the Christmas rush of getting products out to clients/customers. Do you do anything special in terms of packaging compared to the rest of the year?

If you have a service, are you planning for next year, or are you offering special gifts of your service?


  1. Do you do anything special for charity at Christmas? Many of you know that in past years, I’ve run an auction in aid of my charity, Ainslie’s Pavilion, which this year I’m not doing, because of the recent Birthday Bash where we raised money. Are you and your team perhaps going to help at a food kitchen over Christmas, or are you raising money in some other way? Or are you going to choose a charity to support during next year?


  1. Are you doing anything special in your business this year? For example, have you introduced a new product/ or service, or are you holding a special shopping event, or open evening during the Christmas period?


  1. Is there a special day during December that resonates with you?  For example, it’s National Workplace Day of Remembrance Dec 12.

This was established in 2019. It’s a day to remember people who lost their lives at work, whatever their job, whatever their level, whatever their politics – they served and sacrificed in our economy.

In 1866, the worst disaster in British mining history happened at The Oaks Colliery, Barnsley. It was the worst disaster in England, and remains so, and was the worst in the world for 50 years.  In 2016 efforts to raise a memorial to commemorate those lost, highlighted the huge number of unknown workers.

This resonates with me, because my family were involved in mining. Perhaps you too have family members whose story you could tell.

  1. Write a fun story about your employees and Christmas and what they love most about it. Their favourite food, film, song – traditions…


  1. Can you give advice for Christmas based on your business? Maybe you are a caterer and could give some tips about cooking for large numbers? Or, a plumber who could talk about ensuring pipes are well lagged, if we have extreme cold; or a photographer could give tips about how to take decent photos on your mobile during Christmas, especially with all of the different light sources; or you might be a counsellor who could give tips on how to remain calm and not fall out over the Christmas period with all of the stresses that the season can bring.


  1. If Christmas is a slow time, can you talk about how you plan ahead, in terms of PR and marketing materials?


  1. Thank your clients, customers, employees for supporting you during the year. Write a gratitude blog, thanking everyone, and sharing how their support is important to you.


Remember, if you want ideas for your PR and you want to plan, my 2024 Planning Diary is out now.  The diaries cost £49.99 plus P&P – all prices include VAT. If you are interested then please email me at  and I’ll get one posted within the week.

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